Are there any menu maps for the EPM-P series of power meters?
Are there any menu maps for the EPM-P series of power meters?
No. Although some other products, such as the EPM series of power meters, included menu maps in their documentation, there are no plans do this for the EPM-P products. The primary reason for not doing this is that the menu map for the EPM-P power meter is not static - it is dynamic, and it will be seen to differ according to several factors (such as the sensor model and the type of measurement being performed).It was decided at an early stage in the documentation process that to fully describe all of the map permutations would not only be time intensive, it would also be largely redundant - all of the functions that would be shown in these maps are already fully described in the User Manual, such that the functions can normally be located just by applying some common sense to the available hardkeys & softkey options.